What You Missed By Not Joining Gold Inner Circle

Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

Recently I announced that ALL and I mean ALL my substantive ‘How to make $10,000 a month’ training will be conducted in my Gold Inner Circle Monthly Memberships….and I was serious as a heart attack about it too!!

Here’s what you MISSED just this week… if you didn’t join the Gold Inner Circle Monthly Membership

-How to begin earning a full time income ($10,000 a month) even if you don’t have a big budget to start;

-How to know EXACTLY who your perfect customer is ;

-Where your perfect customer hangs out and how to attract them to you like bees to honey

-How to get your perfect customer to buy from  you and LOVE you for it.

-Case study of one of my students who implemented just a couple of the principles I teach and made over $60,000 of  personal income.  His sales team generated over $100,000 as a result of what I taught him.

And that was just LAST WEEK

Here’s what on tap for the weeks and months coming for my Gold Inner Circle Members:

-How to create web pages easily even if you have NO tech skills;

-How to create videos that SELL

-How to create a compelling offer your perfect customer will jump all over

-Where to find proven, responsive offers if you don’t have one of your own

-Where to find a virtually unlimited amount of traffic to send to your offer

In essence over the weeks and months, Gold Inner Circle Members will receive from me a step by step $10,000 a month blue print.

If you’re serious about :

-wanting to make $10,000 a month from home;

-quitting your dead end, life sucking job

-living anywhere

-giving your family and yourself the things they and you deserve

then the only thing that makes sense is for you to join Gold Inner Circle immediately.


No Income Guarantees

Of course I am absolutely NOT guaranteeing you will make a certain amount of money…or ANY money for that matter.  I can lead you to water but I can’t MAKE you drink.  You have to want it badly.  YOU have to do the work.

But doesn’t it make sense that your odds of success skyrocket when you have a proven step by step formula and a mentor to help you every single month??

Of course your odds of success are better…that’s EXACTLY why I created this monthly memberhship…for people who want help but who aren’t quite ready for the financial or time  commitment of my 1 on 1 consultantancy help.  This gets you in the game and gets you my help for a stupid ridiculously low price…$97/month.

Gold Inner Circle Monthly Membership

Here’s what you get in Gold Inner Circle Monthly Membership for a measly $97/month

-weekly 60 min video training (live and I record and store it in members area if you can’t make live);

-monthly ‘all hands’ training webinar with Q & A.  I will bring in other experts, thought leaders, 7 figure earners to assist me.

-regular call in days when you can call me and ask me ANYTHING or have me review any marketing piece or website.

-templates, checklists, tools..everything you need.

-30 Day Money Back Guarantee…you don’t like it in the first 30 days…you get your $97 back no questions asked.   I created this to be a NO RISK offer for you….you CAN’T LOSE!!

-skads of FREE BONUSES

-7 Figure Rolodex of sources
-Copywriting headline template
-How To Be Unstoppable training (these principles have allowed me to be a monster…7 marathons, multiple 6 figure businesses…play piano, sing with symphony chorus…anything I desire to achieve I achieve because of the principles in this training…and its FREE…DAMN THAT’S GOOD…all for just $97/month!!  You’d piss that amount away and more in a month with nothing to show for it.  You KNOW YOU WANT THIS!!!


You Either See This Or You Don’t

You either see the value in this mentorship or you don’t.  As I say in the video above, you’re either one of three types:

  1.  You see it…want it and say “hell yes” I’m in
  2. You get pissed (seriously there are people who react this way) and you don’t want to keep hearing about what’s possible and because you either don’t believe, have been burned in the past and or afraid to try again or are just plain a dumb ass…you remove yourself from my list….stupid but OK with me.
  3. This third type is really the most pitiful….
    -you KNOW you need to do something different
    – you KNOW what I’m telling you works and that it can
    work  for you
    – but YOU DO NOTHING!!!…as a result your life never changes..a week, a month, a year from now you’re in the same damn place you are now…don’t be this person!

Right now…


Its your life…make it Extraordinary!
Kevin Pritchett aka “KP”

P.S.  Want to learn how to make $10,000 a month starting from right where you are now?




Kevin Pritchett Internet Marketing Formula Blog

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