I Deleted 4,000 From My List…Here’s Why

If you’re reading this email…
I recently deleted over 4,000 people from my list.  Why?
A number of reasons actually…
1.  They hadn’t responded or opened my emails in over 30 days
2. They didn’t click on any of the links or take advantage of
    any of the offers (Free or Paid) I offered
3.  They complained, whined or were in some other way
(Besides  the fact that my autoresponder company
charges me by the total number of people on my list..
and if someone isn’t actively opening emails or clicking
on links…they’re costing me money but not engaing…
as a result… they’ve got to go.!! And if they’re not engaging
they’re not right for me and I for them and there’s no loss.)
Bottom line…
Kevin’s Rule Number 3:
“Only deal with people who want to deal with you.
  If they don’t…the reasons don’t matter.”
From this point on I want to engage deeply
with those people who truly want to change
their lives…not lookey loos or folks who aren’t
I’m exceptionally passionate about living why highest, greatest
life (do it relentlessly EVERY SINGLE DAY…)
and also passionate about teaching that same
skill to people who have the
work ethic
to achieve it in their lives.
If this is YOU… I’m ALL IN and will show you EVERYTHING
about how to make $10,000 a week from home.
Imagine YOUR LIFE if you could wake up each day,
-knowing EXACTLY how many leads were coming into
your system,
– exactly how much money you were making today…
Remember last week I told you ALL my training
was going to be conducted from my Gold Inner Circle
I’ve already eliminated over 4,000 people who
were DO NOTHINGS….do YOU want to be deleted too?
What Are You Waiting For???
Well I wasn’t BSing you…IT WAS!!
That’s why you didn’t get much from me this week…
I was giving it to my members!!!
I laid out the $10,000 a week blue print..and so much more.
Here’s what you missed this week by NOT being in my
Gold Inner Circle Membership
At this point you should have 1 of 3 reactions:
Reaction 1:
“I saw what I missed and its CRAZY for me to keep missing
out on how to earn $10,000 a month from home.  Hell yeah
I’m joining Kevin’s Gold Inner Circle and have him teach me!!
Reaction 2
“That’s just some crap.  I’ve been burned before and I don’t
want to hear how he and other people made money.  ‘F’  them!
I’m going to unsubscribe from his list..that’ll show him.”
(DUMB but all too common…)
Reaction 3
(Really the most pathetic of the three…)
“I know I need to change and do something…I hate my job,
my life, my financial prospects… but I’ll wait and see”
(Don’t be this guy/gal…at least do SOME DAMN THING…
We’re moving forward with you or without you.
Just remember, I am currently showing my members
step by step how to earn $10,000 a month…my $10,000 a month blueprint.
You want to KEEP MISSING OUT???
“Its your life…make it Extraordinary!”
Kevin Pritchett aka “KP
My $10,000 a month blue print even if you have no budget
starting NOW EXCLUSIVELY in my Gold Inner Circle Membership

Kevin Pritchett Internet Marketing Formula Blog

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