$100,000 A Year BluePrint…

Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

I’ve got a HUGE rant today…watch it below


Never Let Anyone Tell You How To Be YOU!!

Never and I mean NEVER let anyone tell you how to be YOU!!  By the same token, NEVER abdicate your authentic self to a job, a relationship (maybe care for your kids is an exception..but even then strive to love your kids and your spouse within your authentic self).

My Clients Are KILLIN IT!!

I have many gifts…and one of my gifts is my ability to communicate and teach.  Yes, I am a GIFTED teacher.  My clients all say so.  In fact I just heard from three of my former clients…

One is KILLING it in his affiliate company and credits me with helping him reach his potential…”he aint seen NOTHING yet.”  If he chooses to step up (and I KNOW he will) we’ll put a plan together to get him to NUMBER 1 in his company!!!

Another of my clients is FINALLY changing careers (I told her to do this MONTHS ago.)  She too is poised to KILL it in her industry…number one and BIG SIX FIGURE EARNER WITHING 12 MONTHS…

Yet another client reached out recently and asked to join my $100K Intensive program…he also thanked me for being one of the first mentors to “tell it like it is.”  High praise for me!!  He also asked me to be on his podcast…

What Are YOU Going To Do?

Why do I share these stories and what do they have to do with being yourself…EVERYTHING!!

These clients could not be more different from one another or me.  Yet each of them stepped up and is stepping up again to create something more for themselves.

What are YOU going to do?

The NewFreedom Autopilot Income & Wealth Curriculum 
     Your Step By Step Pathway To $10,000/Month & More

I’ve made it easy for you.  I’ve created an entire NewFreedom  AUTOPILOT INCOME AND WEALTH curriculum .

Like any good curriculum its designed to take you from raw recruit and mold you into a money making machine.  Like any good curriculum it requires study materials, courses, time, dedication and a mentor to help you.

What you make will be completely determined by what YOU do and how well you implement what I teach you.

However, don’t you think your odds of success increase when you have a proven formula…ask my clients!!!

Lucky for your ass I’ve created ALL that for you…here it is

Level 101
Designed for brand new beginners
Sell Without Selling Formula
– my proven system for turning stone cold strangers into paying
– it also teaches basic marketing theory…message to market

-how to determine who is your PERFECT CUSTOMER
-where your PERFECT CUSTOMER hangs out and how
to attract them to you.

Gold Inner Circle Monthly Membership
monthly marketing membership.
-weekly live trainings
-templates, forms, exact marketing plans
-actionable tasks designed to get you results
-you have me to help you as you grow
-regular ‘call in’ times to ask your questions
Level 201
Designed to teach you basics of internet marketing
with emphasis on RESULTS

Internet Marketing Beginners Bootcamp 2.0
comprehensive 13 MODULE video training teaching you
all the basic components of creating an online business.
–    over 13 hours of no nonsense training designed to get your
internet business up and running in 12 weeks
-templates, forms, checklists, headlines…everything you
-7 FREE BONUSES included

Level 301
Designed to take skills learned in 101 and 201
and apply them in an intensive, accountability
format to   get you making $10K/month

$100K/Year Intensive Training
-a no bullshit, hands-on mentored training where you have
weekly accountability assignments geared toward
creating a REAL BUSINESS ,making real offers and

Level  401
Designed to get you from 6 figure category
to  7 figures and beyond.                      7 Figure Mastermind Mentorship
-advanced training to get to 7 figures            –
-for those who are SERIOUS and will let
NOTHING stand in their way…
-by invitation only; interview required-

Inner Circle Platinum Mastermind
monthly live in person in office mastermind
-4 days each month in office masterminding
with elite group of high performance marketers
-by invitation only; interview required

Inner Circle Platinum Summit
5 day event in exotic locale
-sharing top level strategies, tactics
-visioning for what you want your life and
business to be like 1-5-10 years in future
-by invitation only; production requirements

Isn’t This Too Much Stuff …I’m On Overload”

By all rights I’ve violated selling principals by putting my entire catalog here in one place.  The theory is that you only want to show one “sale” item at a time…otherwise people will become confused and do nothing.

Ordinarily that WOULD be correct.  However in THIS case I wanted you to see how thoughtfully I’ve designed a PROVEN, RESULTS oriented pathway for you to make money…not just sell you some crap.

So here’s what you’re going to do…RIGHT NOW…

You’ve going to decide which level you are on NOW…and IMMEDIATELY purchase the specific training that corresponds to where you are.  Each level is designed to get up up to the next level.

For example if you’re just starting out and don’t know anything, you’re in Level 101.  Buy Sell Without Selling Formula AND IMPLEMENT what I teach you there.  Also join the Gold Inner Circle Monthly Membrship…and plug into the weekly trainings.

If you’re already making money but don’t know how to get your online business off the ground, Buy Sell Without Selling and also Beginners Bootcamp 2.0…to learn scoop to nuts how to construct an online business.

You get the idea.  The key is to  MAKE A DECISION AND TAKE ACTION….RIGHT NOW.

If you have questions, shoot me on the comments section or if you’re interested in levels 301 or higher, reach out to me by email….

OK…I’m being ME…intense, thorough, logical, comprehensive

…..and doing EVERYTHING I can to help YOU.

Now its time for YOU to help YOU and TAKE ACTION NOW.

“Its your life…make it Extraordinary!”
Kevin Pritchett

P.S.  $100K Intensive is closing down Wednesday June 15th.  If you want in, contact me IMMEDIATELY for details and investment requirement. ironkop@gmail.com and put $100K in subject line.






Kevin Pritchett Internet Marketing Formula Blog

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