You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

You  Are Your Own Worst Enemy
       Received an email from one of my coaching clients
that disturbed me.  Now I’m not telling tales out of school
here…I told her that her email unsettled me too.
      In short she said she didn’t believe in “get rich quick” schemes
and that she had been burned twice before.
    Why did this unsettle me and why am I sharing this with you?
     Because the client who wrote this, is a TRUE BAD ASS…
she’s smart, hard working, fun, engaging immensley talented ….
but her limiting thinking is holding her back…
  she’s literally getting in her own way.
    “So what”  if you’ve lost money before I told her.
You learn your lessons, improve your process and move
on…but YOU DON’T GIVE UP!!
     That’s what I see TOO MANY of you all doing….
You try something, don’t achieve the results you want…
you call it failure and you quit.
     Or you become cynical and attempt to criticize
ANY AND ALL  entrepreneurial endeavors.  (Actually
being cynical is really a psychological defense mechanism
designed to keep you from feeling badly about quitting
or not achieving your dreams or goals)
     DAMMIT…seldom is anything of consequence  ever
achieved the first time..or even the second time…
    How many exploding rockets and even killed astronauts
occurred before we placed a man in orbit…and men on
the moon???
                         $60,000 in 2 Days
   It took YEARS and I mean YEARS of focus
and work for me to create the multiple 6 figure
businesses I have…I would be just another broke ass
lawyer if I had quit when it got hard.
   First time I tried to sell I got laughed at..rejected
and at the time I didn’t have a pot to pee in.
    Now… I do a presentation and I generate $60,000
in two days.  I’m currently  finishing up a launch  where I
plan to generate $300,000….
   But none of this would be happening if I had quit..
like many of you have done.
           You’ve FAILED Your Test
     This week has been a test of sorts…
I created a KILLER offer of my top selling and most
successful product…Sell Without Selling.
A product I designed specifically to teach
people who to sell effortlessly.
    I even bundled 9 of my most killer trainings and tools
and offered ALL of this content FOR FREE…all
you had to do was let me know you wanted it.
      It’s clear that many of you are sadly stuck
course correction will die a slow, pitiful,
broke ass life…your choice.
    From this point onward, I WILL NOT
pull you or drag your broke ass along…
I will only work with those who want it BAD
and are willing to do what’s required.
           It’s Time For You To WAKE UP
      It’s time for you to WAKE UP  my friends…this is where
the road parts for you and me……
      This is your proverbial ‘line in the sand.”
    If you want me to work with you
and show you how to :
-quit your dead end shitty job
– generate $10,000 or more per month
–  live life on YOUR terms…
–  by creating a REAL business
then you MUST  be prepared to


and this is what you will do RIGHT NOW
STEP 2: when you’re admitted
               tell me EXACTLY what
               your business goals are
              and EXACTLY how you’d
              like me to help you.
STEP 3:  stop whining…start working
               and IMPLEMENT 
In every life there comes a moment of
great decision that changes your life forever.”
“Its’ your life…make it Extraordinary!”
P.S.  NO DAMN PS…you either do what
         i told you above or… keep
         going where you’re going now.

Kevin Pritchett Internet Marketing Formula Blog

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