Hey Kevin Pritchett here:
So many people believe they are bad at selling…are you one? In this video I show you how to get over this resistance IMMEDIATELY…WATCH AND LEARN
I understand your concern..I had it too until I learned a whole new way
to think about “selling”
The key is to believe in the depth of your heart that you have a solution
that will genuinely help someone (you get this conviction by making a decision yourself and purchasing the products.) .
Then when you get with people on the phone, you ask them what their desires are(there is a formula for how and what to ask…I’ll be doing a live hangout on this
very topic this weekend Saturday noon central time…join my team fb group to get details on this training
You dig deeply into their desires and what’s underneath their desire for money…and get to the deep reasons why they want this money..e.g. to help my family…to provide for my children what my parents couldn’t give me…to save my house.etc….
A another HUGE hurdle to get over is the resistance to asking people to take our their credit card and buy!! I KNOW I can help you change your life…I know because I’ve done it in my own life and I’ve seen and helped dozens of others change their lives….
I am powerfully convicted based on my own experience that when I made a decision, my life changed…that’s the formula and that’s the truth.
So when I speak to people I am deeply convicted….
I communicate this deep conviction….
They feel it….
They Want it for THEIR lives…(don’t you want it right now for yours reading this??)
I tell them that they MUST make a decision to change..
And because they want to change their life… They make a decision….and buy!!
It’s really that simple…when you know the proper linkages.
So RIGHT NOW….This is what you should do RIGHT NOW
join my facebook group…
join my live hangout tomorrow Saturday.noon central (time to follow on fb group)
and when I tell you to take out your credit card and make a decision
do just that….and I will help you change your life…
You can also call me directly
312-505-1957 and I’ll walk you through the steps.
I’ve done my part….
Do you want to change your life and be the best offerer
of value in the world???
Or do you want to go back to your life as it is now???
will change me?????
I made a decision to change my life……and it started with
taking out my credit card an buying products, coaching…TAKING ACTION!!
that taking out my credit card helped me change my life.
and learn and grow.
Debora…..make a decision because the world is turning…
I and others are making money RIGHT NOW…
and the difference between you making it and not
Did you make a decision?
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