Empower Network Team New Freedom

Hey, It’s Kevin Pritchett here,

Team New Freedom Leader with Empower Network

312-505-1957..call me I answer my own
phone.  I’ll answer all your questions and
show you how it all works….
Kevin Pritchett


You just visited my site and watched this video…
by my two friend’s David Wood & David Sharpe,
and opted in to receive more information about
how you can take part and…..

….join the movement
 of over 250,349+ members
that’s growing by up to 300+ daily – that’s turning
the entire industry on it’s head….


I Guarantee It.

Big Promise, i know, but you’ll soon realize this is a

                             “Breath Of Fresh Air”

….stick with me for the next 4 short minutes as you read this
eye-opening email – and you’ll discover the shocking truth….

….The shocking truth of how countless average people are having so
much success with this than any other program i’ve ever seen online….

…..how a Single mother on welfare is using this to make m.oney online,
how a blind women from UK is using this to make money online,
how a burnt-out Truck driver from Atlanta, Georgia is using this to make money online.
how a Cancer patient takes advantage of this system to pay her medical bills,

….How these 2 Ex-Homeless ‘loser’s’ use this system to help
thousand’s make money online.
Go Here To Watch The Video NOW!

  Who Is Kevin Pritchett ? And How Can I Help YOU!

312-505-1957,,,call me and I’ll answer all your questions

….not too long ago, i used to be a beaten up, overworked
frustrated attorney that barely had any time to take a breath….

….and when i started looking, desperate for a solution, something
that actually work’s – i was even more lost, frustrated and disappointed ….

….my friends and family laughed at me for chasing this online dream
lifestyle where i wanted to make easy passive, residual income….


25 years ago, i quit my job and haven’t had a J-O-B since!.


Real freedom. Money + Time freedom.

You know, when you get online – everyone tells you about fancy cars
and big massive houses and brag so much, it makes you sick and turns you
off from those type  of marketers….

….and then they try to sell or shove down your throat some get rich garbage
maybe by trying to sell you hard with fear based tactics over the phone….

well, you will NEVER get that from me.

…..I am NOT one of those, i simply am a simple man from the suburbs of Chicago
that loves spending time with my family, and my friends, love riding my racing and 

mountain bikes every morning,love going to church, sing in
the choir and yearn to live the life of my dreams by utilizing the power of the internet…

…..and now i live it.

It’s very refreshing, I’m lit up like a young man just writing this, knowing
that your goals, whatever they maybe – are TRULY reachable, and if you
stick with me, listen, learn and take action….

….YOU too can have it….

….you see, i struggled so hard, many sleepless night’s trying to achieve one of my
main financial my goals of earning $12,000 per month (I just wanted enough to stay home) ….

…..well it’s been quite a journey, i’m guessing you can relate to?

……my goal is to surpass that to well over $53,000+ per month….

and if you give me permission i’d love to reveal to you how….

….. It All started with this video.Click Here-Watch It.(let me know what you think!)

Here’s a Pic Of my mentor Below With A Massive $204,122 Check he received from
David Wood & David Sharpe…. in front of over 1,300 attendees.

Oh, and he did this part time while working as a mechanical engineer.


He’s taught me everything and I mean everything he knows and Now I’m
offering to teach it all to you.
This is you’re time to shine, for you to finally achieve
all the goals you’ve been desiring instead of jumping
from website to website being frustrated and downright
angry due to a lack of results….

….I can HELP YOU!

Call me
Kevin Pritchett

I understand very well (as you’ll find out when you read this entire email)

But friend, frankly i’m puzzled – I see you have not
claimed your membership to our community yet….

Is there something I can help with ? Please reply and let me know

[I Respond to all emails – personally, it may take some time a day or two
but i respond, and love connecting with all my fellow readers]

I discovered the ultimate way to cash-in from the Internet
by leveraging and taking an “UNFAIR ADVANTAGE”
of this little known system that’s being used by over
36,000 average people all over the world created by Dave & Dave.

You can watch that video again here….

This system was created by 2 of my close
friends that i have known for over 2 year’s now
and have paid out to normal people like you and me
over $130,000,000 in the past 24+ MONTHS alone..

that’s $130 Million Dollars…

…..now I got your attention ?

Look, You’ve probably tried this online marketing stuff.
Bought courses, got sold into the hype, been disappointed,
got overwhelmed, frustrated, ANGRY and probably have very little,
if any results to show for it.

I was there too.

If you’ve been trying to make money online.


Go Watch this entire video now…

> Go On Hit The Link Above & Get All In! <

You see friend, myself – after struggling for 12 months,
being a lonely zombified guy burning thru course and after, spending over $12,000 in
my personal education before seeing any results, I too was in a similar position.

Sleeping 5 hours a night, struggling to understand HOW to break 5 figures monthly..
I was glued to my inbox, working really hard, dying to see commission notifications
trying all sorts of different whiz bank looopholes…


Humiliated, disappointed in myself, my friends and
family laughing at me… (more about that in a bit)

Whew…. that was 3 long years ago.

…And now that I love doing what I do…

I made a commitment from day one to help the
“small guy” still trying to make their first $100, or first $1,000
or first $10,000 and even their first $100,000….

I’ve been blessed to be able to travel round the world,
speak at seminar’s in front of over 5,000 people,
won various Top Income Awards in different industries..

…teach and train some 50,000 internet marketer’s,
been lead trainer/coach of the leading internet marketing companies –
innovated various traffic getting, money-generating strategies
and techniques hundreds & thousands of people now use all over the world….


You see, it wasn’t always like this.

like I said above, I struggled really hard, many sleepless nights,
humiliated by friends and family, everyone laughing at me when I
wanted to get rich online….

My own girlfriend at the time telling me “oh, your internet stuff is snake oil..
why don’t you just quit and get a real job.”

I had no-experience, no techie-skills,
and no real support from anyone when I started out…

……how would I be able to make it online ?

FAST Forward to today…..

I truly live my dream life. My family and friends look at me in awe…
I start each day in quiet meditation and a 20 mile bike

ride through an exquisitely  beautiful 2400 acre forest preserve.
I do what I want, when I want as I want.
It REALLY comes down to one thing:  CHOICE.

When I was this burnt out attorney slaving away
for a measly paycheck….working to build someone else’s dreams…

I made a choice.

Never to settle for less.
Never to settle for less for myself and my family.
Never to allow my boss or ANYONE  tell me what I’m worth.

To create & do whatever the HECK I want….


Right in the hallway to my home I have this
sign I look at every time I enter and leave my
home.  It reads…
  “Life Is About Choices’
And on each of my emails in the signature I
have this…
“In every life there comes a moment of great
decision that changes your life forever.”
Now’s Your chance. You have a choice.

I’m giving you “THE CHOICE” to utilize this
DISGUSTINGLY easy way to make money online, to
come work with me and my team of rockstars at theEmpower Network Community

You’ll receive emails / phone support / live training from my
community of leader’s that’ll teach you how this works.

So be smart, and get in now….

….so YOU’RE not left behind.

I’m not going to cold-call you or hunt you down, – that’s not
the way I  do business, and nor should you!

Besides, I’m usually off goofing around, riding my bike or

singing or playing piano:)
shopping, golfing, hanging out with my team members
as you’ll find out….

All my customers, and all my sales are generated from them
jumping in PASSIVELY – Making a CHOICE to be a leader,
to get started with our community.

That’s the beauty of this system. The genius of simplicity.

I consistently make sales every day… and I don’t even pick
up the phone!

This is NOT M.LM
This is NOT Cash Gifting Crap.
This is NOT Network Marketing.
This is NOT doing home parties.
This is NOT any personal selling.

You don’t have to prospect to strangers and attend b.s sales meeting’s or event “shows”

You just need to be able to follow simple instructions.

Anyone with half a brain can do this. 🙂

If you’re looking to make some money, this is the
real deal. In fact, out of the 40+ programs/businesses
I’ve tried, this is ONE of the few that’s made me money
and my students money too…

Here’s a little more info, if details are what you’re looking for:

1. You either need or want MORE money – which is why I’m here.

2. I built a huge cash flow – QUICKLY! – and I’m here to MAKE you
do the same. Interested ?

3. You’re seeking something to get fast, dramatic income
and you’re not ashamed of trying to make it happen online
You just want something simple, affordable and something

….WELL you can’t fool 100,000+ paid member’s can you ?

Hit the link. Get started:
If you’re ready to join our family…

* My number is available to help you whenever needed
to get started and our community / support center / skype /
email is available to those are are serious!

If you  show me you are serious and join with me
at the 15K Formula level, I will
give you 1000 free visitors to your site…ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Those who know, know that there’s only two real
components to winning online…
1. A High Converting Offer
2.  Send Targeted Traffic To That Offer
With Empower, you will have one of the highest converting
offers in the industry..
When you join me at the  Basic, Inner Circle, Costa Rica and
15K level, I will give you 1,000 targeted

Those are just a few of the many benefits of joining  Empower
Network with me. Of course, with my help in passively automating
your business, that’s a rare and unique opportunity all in

You don’t need a huge budget to start with –

Kinda funny that I REALLY didn’t even know what I was doing…

Do I talk to people? Not until they’re on board. There’s no
need. You don’t have to either!

My ready made ‘done for you’ website is so powerful
and high converting it convert’s cold prospects into
raving hot BUYERS that buy your products WITHOUT
any personal selling.

All my sales come in automatically and passively
without a word from me. That’s the power and potential we’re
talking about here.

What does that mean for you? That means we’re on level ground
because when my customers enroll automatically, yours will, too.

That means I could be the worst salesman in the world, and
you could be the best, but we would make the same amount of

So what determines who makes more?

Whomever markets more – whomever drives more traffic to their website using
the various tips, techniques, insider secret strategies that
we will expose to you – so you can FINALLY make the money
you deserve, get paid what you’re worth, and stop worrying about
bills and debts.

You see, even as a added BONUS.

When you’re making $500+ a day, it’s a life changing event!
I’m gonna set up a personalized website for you just like mine.

You’ll have your own ready-hot sizzling sales funnel
that magnetically attracts and converts visitors into RED HOT SALES…

I will conduct webinars that will do all your selling for you
And if you get started at the 15K Level, I’ll give you 1,000 visitors

Get Started – CLICK HERE NOW!

As Always
The Beginners Mentor

Kevin Pritchett
Call me if you’re ready to change your life..I’ll show
you how!!
And if you’re ready to join me,  Click Here

Procrastination is the #1 killer of success – don’t wait – act
now. It’s the only way to make a change in your life.

If you are ready to join by now, and realize how you can work with me personally
then read the JOIN page below – and click it to join

The video changed my life and has allowed me to turn my initial
$25 into over $1200 in weeks …that made a believer out of me…
When you join my Team New Freedom you received all the following FREE BONUSES:
1.  My Exclusive Team Weekly Recruiting Webinar. Just send your prospects and I do the selling for you!!!
2.  Weekly Team Training Live Hangout
3.  Weekly Saturday Morning Training posted every week on topics the team tells me they want
4.  My 7 Killer Email Series…proven series to warm up cold leads…all you do is plug your link in (same ones that got you here!!)
5.  My 5 Module “Beginners Bootcamp 2.0  Video training on all the little things that kill beginners…autoresponders, web pages, where to get traffic
6.  Video: How To Become Irresistible To Your List…a MUST for learning how to recruit and sell.
7.  What To Say To Your Prospects On The Phone..the word for word script used to personally recruit THOUSANDS …it works!!!
8.  15K Mastermind Personal Coaching From me for a hand picked group of “gunners’ who want BIG RESULTS FAST… I use the Empower 15K
Formula product as the framework for this special, elite Mastermind.

To review my free bonuses go below….


These bonuses are exclusive to YOU when you join my TEAM NEW FREEDOM…can’t get them anywhere else for any amount of money!!
**email me your receipt for joining Empower and I’ll send you access to your FREE BONUSES.

PS> Join Team New Freedom with 100% commission with
me  and I did it part time.

Join Me And Team New Freedom

I look forward to speaking with you.

Image                                 JOIN HERE NOW

Kevin Pritchett
Traffic Expert, Founder of Team New Freedom
Call me only if you are serious about getting in and 
changing your life

Kevin Pritchett Internet Marketing Formula Blog

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